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In response to the intricately complex challenges faced by New Yorkers, we have formed the Bridge MCP Research and Advocacy Institute. Comprised of a diverse group of thought leaders, policy makers, and community leaders, this “Elite Coalition” will explore innovative strategies for improving the quality-of-life for the city’s neediest and most vulnerable residents. In keeping with our strong investment in social justice, the Institute will marshal and coalesce the expertise of leading law schools and colleges to address the needs of marginalized and under-represented persons across urban and rural centers throughout the nation.

Once fully formed, the Institute will house an online resource center, commission reports, issue policy recommendations and host conferences addressing quality-of-life concerns. Included in the Institute’s scope of operations will be a working task force. Meeting on a weekly basis, this group will bring communities together to fight for everyone’s rights. The Center will be supported by a Multi-Cultural Advisory Committee composed of New York City’s African-American, South Asian, Asian-American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, LGBT, Muslim, and inter-faith cultural leaders. This group will play an integral role in the Bridge MCAP’s goal of healing today’s social problems by connecting the city’s and nation’s diverse constituencies.


The Bridge MCP will utilize the arts’ power to unify people from different groups. Our Center will feature a special Arts & Cultural Exhibit designed to foster dialogue amongst our many different constituencies. The organization’s Multi-Cultural Advisory Committee will be responsible for articulating a strategy for establishing a mutually beneficial alliance between the community and Exhibit. Through this collaboration, interest in the Exhibit is fostered among the Committee’s constituents and the community-at-large. These goals are to be achieved through multiple outreach activities, including:

  • Receptions, tours, gallery talks, and lectures inspired by the cultural diversity represented in the Museum’s collection.
  • Support for, and participation in, cultural and civic events that affect communities in New York and the greater Metropolitan area.
  • Collaborations with various, many other cultural, institutions and organizations.
  • Celebration of annual heritage months.

Through these joint ventures, the Bridge MCP will collaborate with other institutions to offer arts music. Additionally, strengthening our efforts through the mass media is a major organizational objective. To that end, the Bridge MCP outreaches to community newspapers, radio, and television through advertising, press releases, and media alerts. We are also extending our Internet outreach through the use of various social media platforms. 


The Bridge MCP Anti-Bias Training provides teachers, school administrators, government representatives and business owners with the knowledge, awareness and skills required to effectively respond to prejudice and discrimination.  In doing so, we help these important stakeholders create community environments that are more equitable, safe, respectful and appreciative of diversity.  The influence of media, the Internet and the effects of globalization challenge every American to develop and maintain environments that are inclusive, nurturing, and tolerant.  Decades of work and research by educators, activists and social scientists have validated the need to teach the ideals of equality and justice.


Through these activities, training participants will examine personal identity, cultural awareness and its influence on one’s own and others’ world view.


The Bridge MCP works to develop effective strategies for combating prejudice and discrimination.  The objectives of this curriculum is to raise awareness of bias and to ultimately reduce it.  Our anti-bias curriculum transcends social barriers by actively providing trainees with a solid understanding of social problems and issues, while equipping them with strategies to combat bias and improve social conditions for all.


Through our training, the Bridge MCP aims to transfer anti-bias concepts and methodology into classroom instruction.  Effective educators help trainees learn by sharing mistakes of the past, as well as, discussing contemporary understanding.